Heijmans Dashboard

Heijmans improves operational efficiency and safety with data-driven insights with CBYD services

Through its collaboration with GOconnectIT (a part of Sogelink) and the use of the KLIC Always & Everywhere Service, which is the Dutch Call Before You Dig (CBYD) offering, Heijmans has not only enhanced operational efficiency but also gained valuable data-driven insights. These insights enable targeted actions for the prevention and management of excavation damages.

This case was developed with René Frinks, Commercial Manager at Heijmans Infra and a member of the KLO ("Kabels en Leidingen Overleg" is a Dutch network organization of experts from all parties involved in the excavation process), and Robert Timmers, Senior Advisor on Information and Data Management at Heijmans Infra.

René focuses on excavation damage prevention and project realization, while Robert concentrates on optimizing data and information management. Together, they share their experiences on how Heijmans derives value from data insights and dashboarding in collaboration with GOconnectIT's KLIC Always & Everywhere Service.

Rene Frinks en Robert Timmers

Insights into Emergency Precaution Measure handling

René explains how the data insights from KLIC Always & Everywhere Services optimize Heijmans' daily operations. "We have visibility into the number of emergency precaution (in Dutch "Eis Voorzorg") actions, including detailed information on who recorded which emergency precaution measure. And even more importantly: where actions have not been recorded. This allows us to make immediate adjustments and provide full visibility into what is happening in each region and at what time."

Managing Data-Driven Liabilities

Heijmans also benefits from the dashboard feature that allows for quick project searches across regions, from the starting point to potential excavation damage and liability issues.

"The dashboard provides an overview that not only lets us view the status of excavation notifications but also accurately match liabilities. This ensures that we can reject damage claims based on solid evidence."

Control over Excavation Damages and Preventive Guidance

Essential for Heijmans are the data-driven reports on excavation damages provided to all managers. Robert emphasizes: "By combining data, we not only know the nature and extent of excavation damages but also which department is involved. For an excavation damage claim, we can immediately determine if we were responsible and which colleague was involved."

René explains: "We can now accurately identify where we face the most risks by monitoring risk-driven oversight. With filters based on the number of emergency precaution actions or a high number of disciplines and network operators, we can take targeted preventive measures."

Historical Data for Future Safety

Robert emphasizes the importance of historical and standardized data: "Storing data not only gives us insight into the growth of recorded emergency precautions or registered deviations but also enables us to identify trends and take targeted measures."

René adds: "It's not just about money; it's also about safety. Medium-voltage cables or gas pipelines are simply a potentially deadly risk. Every excavation damage is a potential fatal accident. With the right guidance, we can minimize these risks. We do this not only by addressing hazards but also by highlighting what is going well. This way, we can recognize and reward the right team or send a cake to colleagues who are excelling in trial pit registration or who have zero open emergency precautions."

Get Started with Data-Driven Insights from CBYD data

With the data-driven insights from the KLIC Always & Everywhere Service, you have complete control and visibility over all essential aspects of excavation activities.

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